City College Plymouth / United Kingdom
City College Plymouth is a large vocational and technical General Further Education College offering both Further and Higher Education provision. The College is a significant contributor to the educational, cultural and economic life of Plymouth, providing courses for those aged 16-18, adults and for young people aged 14 to 16 (schools provision). The College is the largest provider of full-time 16-18 education in Plymouth.
Direct and successful work with employers ensures the curriculum is practical, relevant and effectively prepares people for work. The College has partnerships with key stakeholders across a breadth of sectors. The substantial work-based learning provision comprises apprenticeships, adult retraining, foundation learning and programmes for young people ‘Not in Education, Employment or Training’ (NEET). The College also offers a range of bespoke training for local and regional employers. Provision is largely consolidated onto the College’s Kings Road site.
Alongside this our international programmes deliver an extraordinary breadth and depth of holistic support, providing a learning environment and organisational culture that impacts positively on the health, wellbeing and sustainability of our community and enables all of our students and staff to achieve their full potential. Visit Cityplym.ac.uk for more information.
Contact persons: David Wales (partnerships@cityplym.ac.uk)

Fundatia Danis / Cluj-Napoca / Romania
Fundatia Danis is a non-profit organization whose main expertise is entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship education and youth professional and personal development. In the last 15 years, through CSR programs of SMEs and multinational companies, Fundatia Danis has provided internship and apprenticeship experiences to approximately 1500 university and high school students.
Also, we trained over 500 young entrepreneurs and would-be entrepreneurs to improve or gain key entrepreneurship competencies, create their business plans. We have also organized practice enterprises, mentorships, business competitions, business games, etc., and since 2012, Fundatia Danis has been an intermediary organization in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, intermediating international coaching experiences for approx. 120 entrepreneurs. Through our international projects, we are bringing relevant contributions to open educational resources in social entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship.
Finally, since 2018, Fundatia Danis has started a new direction of work with young people. We support young people to develop or improve their future skills and media and information skills, and become more engaged in the community through civic and social initiatives. Visit Fundatiadanis.ro for more information.
Contact person: Paula Beudean (office@fundatiadanis.ro)

Materahub / Matera / Italy
Materahub manages international pilot projects to support cultural and creative industries, encouraging innovation and inclusion processes and a new entrepreneurial vision to face contemporary challenges. Materahub organizes several international Capacity Building activities and projects funded by the European Erasmus + programs, Cosme, Interreg, Horizion 2020, etc.
Since 2010, Materahub has been the Intermediary Organization of the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program; since 2014, it is the Italian host of the Creative Business Cup, the only international competition dedicated to cultural and creative industries. Materahub core areas are: Creative and Cultural Industries, Entrepreneurship Education, Cultural Heritage and innovative Tourism, European project design, Business consulting, Research and Innovation.
Materahub is a member of the Puglia Creative District and is part of the cluster of Cultural Industries and Creative Basilicata Creativa. The Consortium is also included in the international CARP network that promotes cultural routes on the prehistoric art of the Council of Europe. Materahub is also a member of: European Creative Hubs Network, European Creative Business Network (ECBN), Network for Innovations in Culture and Creativity in Europe (NICE), European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EFVET).
Visit Materahub.it for more information.
Contact person: Sophie Martel (project1@materahub.com)

PSEN / Plymouth / United Kingdom
Plymouth Social Enterprise Network (PSEN) includes all kinds of social enterprises including co-operatives, community interest companies, charities, community businesses and more. All are joined by a common bond – that of doing business for a good cause.
As a network, we provide advocacy and representation for the social enterprise sector, we promote the work of member organisations, and keep members up to date with social enterprise relevant news. We run networking events, and an annual festiva, and we carry out research into the sector and its needs. We work in partnership with other organisations to deliver projects that support our aims.
Our role is a movement building one. We want to see a more socially enterprising economy that helps to create a more equal world with zero poverty, and zero carbon emission, and we support the wider social enterprise movement through solidarity, opinion pieces, thought leadership and promoting social enterprise wherever we can. Visit Plymsocent.org.uk for more information.
Contact persons: Michelle Virgo & Gareth Hart (hello@plymsocent.org.uk)

Urkraft / Skellefteå / Sweden
Urkraft is an NGO based in Skellefteå, Västerbotten in northern Sweden set up from an initial funding investment in 1988. The organisation is a social enterprise that provides vocational training and education for unemployed people. Employing 12 people the staff mainly working with vocational education and training tailored to both the needs of the individual, but also the societies need of skilled professionals – people who possess a belief in themselves, their abilities and their future. Visit Urkraft.se for more information.
Contact person: Therese Lundgren (info@urkraft.se)